Senior Chief Chipepo of the Tonga people of Gwembe valley in Southern province has told President Edgar Lungu that God wants him to continue ruling Zambia beyond 2021, reports Asa Manda.

President Lungu who is inspecting developmental projects in Chirundu district was by press time in a meeting with the traditional leadership of the area.

During a briefing, Senior Chief Chipepo told President Lungu that he will win 2021 elections just like he did in 2015 and 2016. He said what he was saying was a prophecy.

Chief Chipepo said President Lungu was a humble leader who God wanted to continue to preside over the affairs of Zambia.

”God wants you to continue even after 2021 until you will finish your 10 years,” Chief Chipepo said.

He said President Lungu was a selfless leader who loves his people hence finding time to visit them.

Chief Chipepo however appealed to President Lungu to ensure Chirundu has good road network that befits a district and put infrastructure such as a district hospital and boarding secondary school.

He said the hospital in the district is a mission and people are charged to be services hence a government hospital would be ideal.

On the boarding school, he said this will help to improve the quality of education in the district. He explained that currently pupils in day schools are attempted to spend time playing at the boarder.

And President Lungu thanked Chief Chipepo for acknowledging what he was doing to uplift the lives of the people. He said his government is committed to work with the traditional leadership.

President Lungu promised to work on the issues raised by the Chief. He said it was the vision of the late President Michael Sata to decentralize in terms of development hence the formation of districts across the country. He said he was committed to this vision and promised to develop Chirundu district.

The Head of State also asked the Chief to question the political party leaders who only visit them during campaigns.

President Lungu asked Chief Chipepo to help in promoting peace so that the 2021 elections are held in peace.

Early this week Chief Chikanta of Dundumwezi, another Tonga Chief announced that he will join the PF to mobilise support to ensure they get more votes in 2021.

Southern province has been giving 90 percent of its votes to the opposition UPND.


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