Government allows ZNS’s Eagle Company to import 226 metric tonnes of mealie-meal from South Africa


Government allows ZNS’s Eagle Company to import 226 metric tonnes of mealie-meal from South Africa

Below is the letter;

The Ministry of Agriculture has issued Import Permits to Eagles Holding Milling Company Ltd to import mealie-meal into Zambia, 226 Mt from South Africa.

The consignments will enter Zambia through Chirundu and Kazungula.

Kindly find attached a schedule with details of the issued Export Permits for your reference.

Yvonne S. Mpundu
Permanent Secretary (A)


  1. First you export non-GMO locally grown maize. Then you go and import GMO maize full of health risks to feed your own people. Mwanawasa was indeed a caring leader.

  2. Now you allow zns to import cheap mealie from SA using precious foreign exchange leading to further depreciation of the kwacha which they will bag as if they have produced it and sell it cheaply as eagles brand while local miller’s have to buy local maize at K250 per bag or more which means they cannot compete with ZNS. Eat kind of a government is this. If you want to flood the market with cheap mealie meal from SA then allow everyone to import.


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