Government announces deduction freeze from civil servants pay

GOVERNMENT has frozen salary deductions from civil servants who are owing various lending institutions for the next three months

And government has signed collective agreements with 15 public sector unions on the implementation of the debt swap for all civil servants.

Speaking during the signing ceremony at Public Service Management division in Lusaka, Ministry of Information and broadcasting permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga said in the next three months, government will start swapping debts it owes civil servants for loans they have acquired.

He said those owned by government will have their debts paid.

Mr Malupenga said the matter emanated from negations between the unions and government.

“One such proposal by the union was to deal with the issue of debt swap as it was choking the civil servants.Government committed to execute the proposal,” he said

Mr Malupenga further announced that starting this month of July, there will be no deductions of salaries all all public workers.

He said the purpose is to facility what will be outstanding to lessen the pressure that civil servants endure.

“In order to lessen the pressure, the public service micro finance which is a government institution will take care of all the issues, so for the next three months, there will be no deductions to ensure reconciliations are done,” he said.

And union representatives Newman Bubala commented government for considering the proposal.

Credit: Mwebantu


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