Lusaka Archdiocese His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda


Lusaka Archdiocese His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda says the Zambian government must always realise that it has a responsibility to cushion the current high cost of living among citizens influenced by increase in the fuel price.

In an interview with Radio Chikuni in Monze yesterday, Bishop Banda says the government should consider subsidizing fuel as it influences prices of other basic commodities needed for survival among people.

Bishop Banda says the excuse that the fuel price in Zambia has gone high due to conflict between Russia and Ukraine is doubtful.

He explains that Rwanda is in the situation like Zambia but it has managed to subsidize fuel for its citizens and that the Zambian government is expected to do the same.

Bishop Banda says it is worrying that the cost of living has continued to increase and this may indirectly or directly lead to an increase in criminality too as people will be looking for means to survive.


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