Govt Facilitates Internship Opportunities for 600 Youths in the US

Elvis Nkandu

In a significant initiative to empower and offer invaluable exposure to the youth of Zambia, the Government has successfully secured internship opportunities for 600 Zambian youths in the United States of America. The Minister of Youth, Sport, and Arts, Elvis Nkandu, announced this exciting development, revealing the key details of this remarkable opportunity.

Internship Opportunities and Fields of Engagement

Minister Elvis Nkandu unveiled that the selected Zambian youths, primarily specializing in the fields of psycho-social counseling and social work, will embark on a transformative journey to the United States in the coming year. These internships will encompass a substantial six-month work agreement in the USA, fostering invaluable learning experiences and skill development.

Financial Support

The Zambian youths are not only set to gain immeasurable professional experience, but they will also be duly compensated for their efforts during their internship period. Minister Nkandu disclosed that these interns will receive a competitive compensation of 40 US dollars per hour for a standard eight-hour daily work shift throughout their stay in the United States. This commendable financial support serves as a testament to the Government’s commitment to nurturing the country’s youth and providing them with valuable opportunities.

Exposure and Knowledge Exchange

Moreover, the internship program aims to provide Zambian youths with a holistic global experience by exposing them to new horizons, diverse perspectives, and unmatched professional connections. This initiative stands as a remarkable platform for the exchange of ideas and networking with American counterparts, enabling the youth to broaden their horizons.

Minister Nkandu made this remarkable announcement during the official handover of technology equipment to the Mufumbwe Youth Resource Centre. The equipment donation was made possible through the generous collaboration of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as part of the joint program focusing on youth empowerment and employment in Zambia.

The Government’s proactive measures in facilitating internship opportunities and providing essential resources to empower the youth showcase its dedication to nurturing the country’s future leaders. These opportunities not only enable young Zambians to acquire valuable skills but also foster international collaboration and understanding, paving the way for a brighter and more empowered future.

This initiative has received widespread praise and recognition as a critical step towards empowering the youth and harnessing their potential to shape Zambia’s future. It demonstrates the Government’s commitment to youth development, knowledge exchange, and global exposure.


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