By NewsMakers

GOVERNMENT may consider changing the currency as a way of dealing with the plunderers who may have buried cash underground after change of government in the 2021 August elections.

A source in government says there is a strong suggestion among members of the ruling UPND which revolves around changing the currency in order to deal with those who dubiously acquired money under the PF and have buried it.

The source says many PF members made their money by obtaining cash from the Chinese whom they gave huge contracts. It is believed many have buried the monies to hide from investigative wings.

Lately, Investigative wings have conducted random raids at houses of PF members to in search money that is suspected to have been buried. Such efforts have yielded no tangible results.

After the 2011elections following the defeat of the MMD, the PF changed the currency as a way to deal with those who buried money. This was after realizing that some members of the MMD and cadres had buried money.

Last week, agriculture minister Reuben Mtolo said there was no money in the economy because people who stole under the PF administration were hiding it.

And good governance activist Brebner Changala has asked government to change the currency as a way of dealing with those who have kept huge amounts of cash in their homes adding that the “methodical approach has failed or is failing”.

And in supporting Mtolo’s concern, Changala said people proposed a change of currency immediately the PF lost elections in August 2021 but the new dawn government did not want to listen.


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