Harry Kalaba accused of being “Gold mafia crook”

Harry Kalaba
Harry Kalaba

AS the country is still trying to comprehend intricacies surrounding the recently thwarted gold scam, Democratic Party leader Harry Kalaba has been caught up in the gold scandal allegations that have engulfed many African countries, including Zambia recently.

Details of the allegations are in a clip circulated by ZimEye, an online political tabloid publication run by Zimbabwean but UK-based investigative journalist Simba Chikanza.

In the clip titled Gold mafia crook caught, Mr Kalaba thought he was getting himself a free Iphone 15, (not yet released on the market) after meeting up Mr Chikanza, an Aljazera investigative unit researcher who the politician has been communicating with for over a month.

However, the Journalist , who was filming the meet up accused Mr Kalaba of aiding to orchestrate a money laundering and gold smuggle.

The visibly emotional scribe told off Mr Kalaba of having used the Zambian flag logo on a fake video document to help mislead the public about a money laundering investigation in Zimbabwe.

He also accused the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of having worked with Zimbabwean prophet and businessman Ubert Angel who also went viral after being captured in the famous Gold mafia documentary in which he was allegedly part of orchestrating gold and money laundering deals.

The Journalist revealed in a video he captured of himself meeting Mr Kalaba in a phone shop in Lusaka, that the politician and Ubert Angel funded around USD$240 million for the chaos going on in Zimbabwe.

In an emotional dialogue, spoke passionately about the harsh conditions being faced by Zimbabweans as they take to the polls, suggesting that Mr Kalaba is part of the unrest going on in the country.

Below is part of their conversation.

Journalist: My name is Simba Chikanza, an Aljazeera journalist. I am behind the gold mafia documentary that you discredited.

I have investigated Ubert Angels origins.

What is happening honourable Kalaba is that you are a senior politician and these are Zimbabwean people who are voting today. Many of them are being beaten up and assaulted.

And so how do you reverse the damage that you caused on the Zimbabwean people?

Remember these people are voting under conditions of money laundering and gold smuggling that you yourself, honourable Kalaba helped to cover up and you created a fake video document together with Ubert Angel.

Mr Kalaba: Tries to interject in surprise.

Journalist:Do you deny that Ubert Angel prepared that script and you put a Zambian logo on it?

My people! Your people! Remember Zambia and Zimbabwe, we are one and the same?

They are voting today, mother’s are being raped! Are you checking the news?

All this is being funded by the USD$240 million that Ubert Angel and you participated in.

Mr Kalaba: How do you know that Ubert Angel is involved in this? Because you work for Aljazeera?

Journalist: Honourable Kalaba, do you deny?

Do you know who delivered that phone (purported Iphone 15) to you? Those are police officers.

Mr Kalaba: That is why I have never used it.

The Journalist further accused Mr Kalaba of abusing his position of when he was a Minister of Foreign Affairs to create falsehoods which have caused chaos in the voting system in Zimbabwe.

Later on, a man is seen trying to rough up the undeterred journalist who continued to capture the moment.



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