He has failed because he is the I-know-it-all guy – Saboi


He has failed because he is the I-know-it-all guy – Saboi

President Hichilema is running the country as if there is a state of emergency. If he wants to utilise the state of emergency powers, he should declare one otherwise he should immediately release the detainees or take them to court,” Sakwiba Sikota SC said.

Meanwhile, Ms Imboela has strongly condemned the crack down on opposition political leaders by the Hichilema regime, stating that the UPND administration should realise that Zambians were getting agitated.

Ms Imboela said President Hichilema was using draconian rules of governing the country but that Zambians shall resist any form of dictatorship because they had fought for democracy and constitutionally adopted it as a means of governing the country.

“This is just too much. President Hichilema is venting his anger of his monumental failure on his political opponents https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. If HH is an I know it all guy, then some of are the I know nothing guys and it’s not his fault. HH moves with confidence, he trusts himself and there is no time that you can find him with no answer to your question. He will never tell you that he has no vision, that’s why even foreign governments hold him in high esteem. You opposition leaders have refused to work with him, like you, you left UPND and now you are with UKA. Has HH failed just because you left him, is that not just out of your frustration and bitterness? And don’t deceive yourself by thinking that Zambians are getting agitated, there is nothing like like that. I have just been listening to HRH Chief Nyampande, I never heard or saw the agitation you are talking about. I also listened to Judith Kabemba, even before she talks, you can see the decency on her face, very wise and intelligent woman, she talked a lot of sense. So there is no crackdown on the opposition leaders as some of you are claiming, it’s you who daring the government so that in turn you say that HH has failed. How come it’s always the same people promoting hate speech and are being arrested? Why are people like like Judith Kabemba, Sunday Chanda, Robert Chabinga, Highvie Hamududu, Nevers Mumba, Andyford Banda not arrested? Every day ni nimwebo fye and people are even tired of you. Madame, you need serious self introspection, otherwise young women and men like you are just ruining your political future. You need to redeem yourselves and bring back the lost confidence in the Zambian people. Contrary to what you are saying, HH has performed very well at the admiration of many genuine Zambians, even our neighboring countries and Africa at large. So whether he has succeeded or failed, HH still remains the best option for Zambia.

  2. Saboi point out the failures of HH! Ndola Lusaka dual carriage way? Chingola chililabombwe road? Kitwe chibibuluma Rd? Free education? Cdf? Debt restructuring? Opening of Mopani mine?Come, come back to reality! It’s you Saboi who is a failure and a let down! Now that you the opposition, have realized that you can’t beat HH on the ballot, you want shortcuts …to bring anarchy to the country. We will not allow you Saboi and Munir Zulu to divide this nation.!


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