Simon Mwewa lane wrote…


Building a good name is better than riches

Several years ago, Lusaka City Council named a Street in front of Simoson Building “Simon Mwewa Lane”, in honor of my late Father Dr. SIMON MWEWA.

I opened this Facebook page in honor of him because he was such a wonderful man and a good husband to our Mother, Mrs. Florence Mwewa.

When I see my father’s name I feel proud of him because I learned so much from him and I will never apologise for that.

Mr. Henry Nkole Tayali was a multi-lingual Zambian painter, sculptor, and lecturer. He has been described as Zambia’s most famous painter. He brought so much pride to the Tayali name…but now all of that has been destroyed because a man that shares the same surname has left an unwashable blemish on a once-great name.

It will take several generations to redeem that name because the damage is vast and quite extensive. “Tayali” is now synonymous with a “museleia-kwakaba”. a Judas …a Benedict Arnold, an accuser of the brethren, an unprincipled opportunistic narcissist that has no shame.

He complains that the reason he attacks “The Red Leader” is that his Father was negatively affected by the privatisation process that took place in the early 90’s. Hogwash…that’s just something he made up to comfort his inadequacies. He creates false stories to gain sympathy.

Tayali has children, and his children carry his name. No matter where they go…that name will be an impediment long after he has left this earth.

What’s the lesson here?

Think of your name and your Children beyond you. Your Male children will carry your name. Will your name hurt them or help them?… even if you’re a self-made-man, a Bad name puts obstacles in your path…not bridges.

What we do here and now…echoes in eternity.



SonOfSimon #BELegacyMINDED


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