…As he receives over 400 defectors from UPND in Bwacha Constituency.

Kabwe… Saturday, May 15, 2021

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) National Vice Chairperson for Mobilisation Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba has urged Zambians to turn in numbers on August 12 to vote for His Excellency President Dr Edgar Changwa Lungu.

Hon Mwamba says Preaident Lungu has what it takes to take the country to he higher level.

Speakjng when receiving defectors in Bwacha Constituency today, Hon Mwamba says people like UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema can not manage to govern the country because he has never been a section or a ward leader.

He says the period His Excellency President Dr Lungu has been in power, he has changed the face of the country.

Hon Mwamba says in few years the Head of State has shown that he is a true leader because of development rolled out across the country.

He says the country can be in mess if Mr Hichilema was given a chance to rule Zambia.

He however appealed to defectors to go flat out and campaign for President Dr Lungu.

He says the period for campaigns has started, therefore, they are required to be on the ground to mop up votes for the Head of State.

Meanwhile former UPND Bwacha Constituency chair lady Evlyn Songo says UPND is dead in the area.

Ms Songo says the team that have defected to the ruling party was the pillar of the party in the Constituency.

She says the UPND will not afford to have votes in the area this time around.


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