HH Has Raised Zambia Standard High- Mark Simuuwe

UPND Consultant, Mark Simuuwe


July 3,2023

Lusaka- United Party for National Development UPND Consultant Mark Simuuwe says President Hakainde Hichilema has achieved more than his predicessors in a small period of time.

Speaking today when he featured on One Love Radio, Mr Simuuwe said President Hichilema’s good leadership has put the country on a right path to both economic growth and human development.

He charged that the head of state has opened economic routs that has been shuttered for along time.

Mr Simuuwe further charged that president Hakainde has became the example of good leadership not only in Africa but the world as a whole.

Commenting on the high prices of mealie meal, Consultant Simuuwe explained that high prices of the commodity has been as a result of Law of demand and supply and not lack of UPND policy direction.

To the listeners out there should understand that the high prices of mealie meal is as a result of low supply of maize corn,” said Mr Simuuwe.

He further pointed out high prices of farming inputs as a major setback in Agricultural sector which he said UPND led government remains committed in addressing it as evidenced by the Newly Launched Capital Fertilizer Manufacturing company.

Falcon News Crew reports that the Mark Simuuwe said local fertilizer production company will rejuvenate the agricultural sector through the supply of cheap fertilizer to the famers which will trickle down to the high production of maize.

Mark further pointed out, government move to revamp farming blocks adding that the gesture will see most Zambian people invest much resources in mechanized type of farming.

And on fuel shortages, the consultant explained that that there is no county in the world with cheap oil because of Russia blocked peninsula which affected the fuel transportation to other parts of the world.

He added that the whole world is now only fighting for fuel in the middle east thereby creating the high demand of the commodity world-wide.

He implored that the government should be commended for putting a framework aimed at addressing the fuel challenge in the country.

He assured citizens that New Dawn administration will soon address the fuel shortage like Electricity.



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