HH is an average President—Harry Kalaba


HH is an average President—Harry Kalaba


Harry Kalaba, the leader of Citizens First party has described Zambia´s President Hakainde Hichilema as an ´average person´ that bluffed himself into the topmost job in the country.

Kalaba said after being in office for almost three years wrought with broken campaign promises, Zambians can now see that Mr. Hichilema was ´all hot air´ and action, his word is not worth the paper he writes it on.

“All the promises he made about reducing mealie meal prices, reducing fuel and fertiliser prices have amounted to nothing,” said Kalaba in an interview on KBNTV.

“In my view President Hichilema is just an average politician whose promises don’t mean anything, don’t amount to anything even when his praise singers try to talk about free education and CDF it’s all non-truths…he is just average man, not an economic genius he told Zambians he is,” said Kalaba.

The long time serving former Foreign Affairs Minister also asked Mr. Hichilema to pike down and accord sixth President Edgar Lungu with more respect and less contempt.

Kalaba said the actions and statements Mr. Hichilema exhibits today to what he promised are different but appreciates that the ´true Hichilema´ has now been exposed to Zambians.
He said instead of pursuing President Lungu with all the venom he can summon, President Hichilema should save face and fulfil the promises of making the cost of living of Zambians fair and bearable, as Zambians sleep hungry every night.

A staunch Christian, Kalaba said it’s about time Zambia resumed being a Christian nation by practice and not rhetoric as seen under President Hichilema.

If given a chance to be president, Kalaba said Zambia would restore the dream of Zambia being a true Christian nation and restore the Ministry of religion desecrated and scrapped by Mr. Hichilema´s government.

He was speaking on the State of Nation programme with Kennedy Mambwe regarding the ever-shrinking democratic space in Zambia and rising poverty in the country.

He said the trend of disrespecting former heads of states such as Dr Lungu must end now because if it does not, Mr Hichilema himself shall endure the same predicament as his predecessor is unjustifiably facing.

Kalaba also reaffirmed the call for an early election made by Lungu and other politicians, “ we need an early election, we need an early election because Mr Hichilema has failed, we can’t wait for 2026.”

The full interview link is available on the KBNTV Facebook page featuring the UKA leading member and CF founder who wants Zambians to know that President is nothing ´average ‘as a leader and not an economic genius he said he was during campaigns.

Source: KBNTV.


  1. Mr Kalaba speak the truth that everyone is seeing and hearing.
    It’s high time you showed yourself as an eligible alternative to HH.
    Stop standing and aligning yourself with failed leaders

  2. Wow…and that makes you Kalaba a bigger man by name calling? What an achievement…
    And this is the calibre of leadership we want?

  3. If that assumption is accurately true, then we as a country are in trouble because the alternatives don’t give mich confidence so far as far as effectiveness and efficiency in offering any check and balances is concerned.

    You seriously need a lot of catching up to do guys. The insults won’t help you at all. Come out and play the game honourably.

  4. And what are you? Are people not right when they that you are useless? How do you form a party just to talk and attack HH everyday? Tell us a day that passed without you mentioning the name HH and you think we can vote for you. Ma rubbish.

  5. Thank you sir for your opinion.
    But can we go back to the 2021 election results? It is said that figures don’t lie.
    Apparently, from the results, you are way below average.
    Thank you.

  6. Ha ha, ha Mr Kalaba, you are not even average, you are short. I am just being sarcastic, I thought you would be the person who would make a difference, you came out as being substantive, sober and principled. Have your partners convinced you that being unprincipled, too talkative and being emotionally is how you gain stature in Zambian politics? Go back to the drawing board, you are beginning to look like the rest of them.

  7. Your scarred and ugly face make dracula like a child’s play. You have no brains except for stealing and your DNA is all about thieving. You can never fool anyone to elect you with your cheap and low mentality without plans to resolve people’s problems. Macende aako okanio.

  8. You little brute who do you think you are. You are nothing but a little with man with an ego. You neither well educated nor rick which HH has both. You are not an unza graduate nor a millionaire like HH. Last election you only got less than 1% of the total votes country wide as opposed to HH who got 58%. Grow up and face reality. You nothing in but a fat short idiot to hell with you. Foolish boy with a certificate in marketing.

  9. Ba kalaba nchito niku fyokola menso…..offer serious advice….so you people everything that hh has done is all wrong?yours is to criticise everyday without alternatives…

  10. I have no doubt that President Hakainde Hichilema, is well on his way to being the best president Zambia has ever had, if he can avoid the allure of a third term.

    If he is average, what are you Mr. Kalaba? When you resigned your Foreign minister portfolio you told us that Mr. Lungu’s PF was absolutely corrupt but today you want us to believe Mr. Lungu is innocent? We know that Mr. Lungu is tainted and holding him to account is not persecution. We will leave our former leaders alone to enjoy their retirement once they stop thieving. As long as they steal our resources, we must pursue them and hold them to account, including those in the current government.

    Things would be ten times worse if any of the current leaders were in power under the current drought situation. You have no clue about solutions to our current challenges and that is why no of the opposition leaders offer any meaningful alternatives. People don’t need to be reminded about the hardships we are facing.


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