CHIFUNABULI residents of Luapula Province are gearing for the much anticipated victory on Thursday,12th August 2021, assured UPND Alliance Presidential aspirant Hakainde Hichilema and Running Mate Mutale Nalumango of a hundred percent vote.

Though lamenting challenges and threats instigated by the Patriotic Front (PZF) using the pandemic during ongoing campaigns, however, vowing not to sleep till Mr. Hichilema gets power this year.

Referring to increased poverty, poor incomes and lack of jobs, Chifunabuli residents expressed a desire to remove President Edgar Chagwa Lungu from power, through casting votes in favour of Hichilema and candidates on the UPND Alliance ticket.

“Our economy is broken and here in Chifunabuli, though the land is fertile, it is difficult for us to live a decent life as a consequence of a deplorable road network which scares businesses and transportators to bring goods, services and even resist temptation to transport people. This road becomes impassable during rainy season and no economic activities can take place. Sadly, there is no money to buy prescribed medicines as hospitals or clinics, end at diagnostic, analysis of one’s health,” residents in Chifunabuli lamented.

Kelvin Mulenga, a 65-year-old sexagenarian said the economic situation is too harsh to bear, crying four that the PF is mockingly disparaging citizens by giving out insignificant amounts of money, hoping to sweet-talk the electorate.

And UPND Deputy National Chairperson for Youths and Sports Affairs Prudence Mwansa urged the electorates not to be confused by Socialist Party colours, similar to UPND but must consider a symbol Pakuboko to differitiate with Fred M’membe party.

Meanwhile, UPND Deputy National Youth Chairman for Politics Stephen Chikota advised Chifunabuli residents not to be cheated that the Social Cash Transfer is meant for every citizen, when reality shows that empowerment is for PF alone.

Mr. Chikota says once the UPND Alliance team forms goverment, the Social Cash Transfer be pushed to the K380 per household of the old and the vulnerable.

“I am aware that PF has neglected you here there is no development and the money they are giving you is meant to foster development here, get it and demand more
Do not ever believe in them they dont mean well,”Mr Chikota pleaded.

In consolidating the message by Mr Chikota, UPND Deputy National Youth Chairperson for Gender Cindy Kauka once Hichilema takes office at State House, ZAMBIA will build a better and sustainable future for every one. The power is in your hands as women and young people to turn up in large numbers and vote for real Change,” Ms . Kauka said.

“There is no tribalism to preach about in UPND as PF claim, we are a one Zambia one nation Society, and youth must not sleep until HH becomes Zambia’s 7th Republican President,” advised Kauka.

UPND Women’s Chairlady Dorren Mwamba presence attracted hope and help to residents as she encouraged them to remain strong.

Ms. Mwamba emphasised that the ground work is very important in politics, vowing to continue drumming up support guaranteeing President Hichilema’s victory.

UPND Alliance Media


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