The Official Portrait for the incoming Head of State and Commander In-Chief of our Armed Forces, His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema. (Credit : John Kayesha)

By Saleya Kwalombota

The fact is that no normal person would like to live in a poor country, it is for this reason Citizens are given mandate to elect leaders in Zambia every five years.

PF leadership is not in any way capable to drive Zambia to economic prosperity going by its poor performance in its 10 years in power. PF ran down Zambia economy to where it is today, as if that is not enough, it has brought in unprofessionalism in civil service. To talk of Zambian currency to day, Kwacha is the worst performing currency in Africa with the economy growing in negative. What a mess-up?

Zambia needs HH than before to fix Zambia’s Economy which is in ICU. HH’s credentials are compared to none among the 18 plus aspiring presidential candidates. HH’s success in private life is worthy to admire and talk about. HH is indeed inspirational to many right thinking Zambians. In his early thirties, HH became a Chief Executive officer for Coopers & Lybrand Zambia and Grant Thornton Zambia, companies of international reputation.

Did people know that HH became rich at 21 years? Did people know that HH is the richest Zambian ever? Did people know that HH even before the onset of privatisation in 1990s was already the richest man in Zambia? Did people know that HH has $80m university project under construction in Zambia? Which no a person of Zambian president ever did before assuming Presidency!

Did people know that HH helped the Chiluba led government to sell the mines at a 4 times higher price as opposed to want Chiluba wanted to sell them? It is for this reason that Chiluba died a man who had full respect for HH because of how he helped Zambia! If anything Zambians should thank HH for advising government to adjust the prices of Mines upwards by 4times!

Remember that HH got his wealth through farming and cattle keeping coupled with hard work and economic skills.


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