Hichilema’s Win Was A Bad Day For Zambia, Especially Youths Who Believed His Lies – Nawakwi



The FDD media statement stated:

The turnout was the highest since Zambia’s multiparty elections and young people constituted more than half the electorate.
On the Election Day, young people woke up early, stood in long queues for long hours at places like the Civic centre in Lusaka to vote and make their vote count.

Four million young people between the ages of 18 to 24 registered to vote making the youth registration the highest turnout in a country with a young population, with 65% under age 25, and over half—52%–under the age of 18.
The youths supported the UPND because of numerous lies peddled by its president Hakainde Hichilema on how he was going to address corruption and youth unemployment.
Unfortunately, Hakainde spoke very little by way of concrete proposals, and more in vague platitudes—but a platform based exclusively on superficial anti-corruption without being anchored on a genuinely transformative program that would empower the youths and the general populace.

It is now clear to analysts of Zambian politics that Hakainde’s anti-corruption crusade only provided cover for a sharp authoritarian turn being witnessed in the country.

We in FFD well know that if a leader fails to mobilize the popular sovereignty of the masses, indeed if their very rise is premised on their unmediated support using online and youthful base, then they will only know how to wield power by fiat.

We also feel that Zambians should steer away from the tendencies of saviourism which entails investing in one person with all of our political hopes because this oversimplifies the complex political problems that the country faces.

It is now clear to everyone that Hakainde’s win was a bad day for Zambian society, especially the youths who invested all their worth in his crusade despite the bulk of it being hinged on half-truths and falsehoods.

We feel the youth in Zambia like in other parts of Africa have been an important political force and performed a wide range of roles in the political field as voters, activists, party members, members of parliament, ministers and party “foot soldiers.”

Although political parties, governments, and other political leaders often exploit young people’s political activity, their participation in both local and national level politics has been significant.

However, the betrayal of the youth vote has been extended to UPND youths themselves, many who are disappointed with the man who promised them heaven by hollow and largely ambitious slogans of ‘Bally will fix it.’


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