Hon.Jack Mwiimbu, Illegalities and Cover-Ups will not go unpunished- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Hon.Jack Mwiimbu, Illegalities and Cover-Ups will not go unpunished

Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Affairs, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu claims the former Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba has not been behaving as a former Ambassador should do.

This statement is not only untrue but it is also clearly defamatory.

He said this when he responded to a question by Pambashe MP, Hon. Ronald Chitotela, who sought to understand from the Minister why the police could not issue a police call-out to especially MPs and Zambia’s former Ambassador and former Permanent Representative to the African Union.

It is not enough that they have lumped clearly false charges of forgery, publication and assault against me, now they have gone to a great extent to scandalise my name and attempt to destroy a good name built over 20 years with further falsehood, just because they can. An abuse of the law.

If a leader, who is in charge of the Police behaves this way against a citizen, his assertions are expressed in institutions he leads and are under him.

I guess he must have derived immense pleasure, excitement and happiness to learn that I was brutalized at the hands of his men and I suffered injuries and lost a tooth.

As is known, I have conducted my politics and criticism in in credible manner, basing my checks and balances on national policies and issues.

My politics will remain the same, issue and policy based, even when we encounter evil and illegal practices as we are being subjected to.

Love will triumph over hate and evil.

Good will triumph over wickendness.


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