Hon. Munir Zulu has been picked by the Police and has been taken to unknown location


Lumezi Independent Member of Parliament Hon. Munir Zulu has been picked by the Police and has been taken to unknown location


  1. Very good!
    It’s time to crack the whip!
    Too much indiscipline in Zambia today where people think they can say whatever nonsense they want and get away with it!
    Peace is fragile and small fires must not be ignored!
    Good job ZP!

    • Now they must arrest that Mfune female MP whatever her name is. We all heard what she said, maximum jail sentences must be applied to deter others like Jean Chisenga from making similar mistakes. This is the first time in the history of the Zambia’s National Assembly that we have have imbeciles “elected” to sit in parliament. The imbeciles who took a chance and won on PF ticket or are ex-PF are bitter that their party did not win. Lungu is using these to make the country ungovernable. Lungu must also be taken in. His colleague, former Senegalese leader has already been arrested. The hangers on around Lungu must also be investigated. Leave no stone untouched to cage the remnants of the last brutal regime. Rupiah Banda’s wife was able to account for sources of funds for her Mpundu Trust; why is Lungu family failing to do the same if the money was not from corruption activities if their father?

  2. This Govt has got itself to blame especially HH himself. You let people insult you, demean you, singlehandedly decriminlised insults on presidency, etc.
    Yet you knew that we are living with ignorant people like Munio ya Zulu who are in fact animals and extremely uncivilised.
    Now look at the insults he is hurling at you and the Tonga people most of whom don’t even know anything about that animal called Emmanuel Banda. Listen to the hate speech from this rat, that is stunted in growth called Munio ya Zulu. Mr HH you are the one instructing the police to give bonds to animals like Munio ya Zulu!
    Mr HH, I think you have gone too far and your weaknesses are breeding chaos in the country.
    If anyone releases Munio ya Zulu on bond, you should know that we will take the law in our hands and give him a fitting treatment. We cannot keep quiet when we are being demeaned, insulted by useless PF cadres.
    They were insulting and miatreating us when they were in power, who are they to continue demeaning us now that they are out. From his own mouth, Munio ya Zulu and his tribesmen will stay in Eastern and we Lenjes and Bantu Botatwe in Lusaka. This is our own Lusaka, Land. The so called Easterners must leave and go back to their Chipata. They know where they come from.
    That disabled Munio ya Zulu should never ever be seen on the streets of Lusaka. We won’t tolerate it. We need to sort him out oyrselves because this Govt is extremely weak and cant resolve simple cases of thugs like those of Munio ya Zulu and Jay Jay Banda. If we are on our own then so be it.

    • Speak only for yourself, Chilyata. Ndakulyata if you continue on that destructive path. Munir Zulu is not a person to take seriously.

      • Macende aako you, Gunner, wimper! I am not a coward like you. An idyot that cant even understand English. Did I mention you stupid name or your grandmother’s idiotic name. Mother fcker! Arsewhore.

    • It impportant to maturely keep emotions under control.

      It is critical to realize that a fool in their folly speak of mean things but ultimately are powerless to make their Wicked plans to come to pass. God wont allow such nonsense to take place. We are praying and not joking. God will work just in our great country. Spilt blood and injusties sufdered by many people who must be avenged. Honorable and legally.

      This young guy is not the spokes person for the persons in eastern province. Their traditional rulers are the spokes persons for these esteemed people of Eastern Province. We await a response to the tantrums and unwise dangerous utterances of their own son.

      Attacking them just because on one missguided and ignorant person from their clan is not necessary.

      There are enough rules and laws to deal effectively with such behaviour. Infact because he is a law maker he is to be made more accountable to obey the laws they initaited and passed for the rest of the citizens to obey.

      We should never respond to un strategic, Childish and pooly structured attacks.

      Let us just relax. It seems some people are now responding on issues that may be troubling them on a personal level.

  3. This boy is a very big danger because of his big mouth he thinks he owns Zambia. I know that elders in his constituency are happy with what he does both outside and inside parliament reason is no one has ever sat him down for change of language.
    This time he is arrested and don’t call it as an abduction because he is in the hands of the police. The next persons must be Changala and Nawakwi to give more information and if they are left also unchecked, they will be pompous and bring more harm to the nation.

    • Oh please why should Munir be allowed to spew hate and be left alone?lLet the law deal with severely. We all heard his hate speech against southern province and Mundubile was there probably cheering him on as they did with Jean Chisenga instead of counseling them. All insolent opposition MPs have become a darling of PF. Nakachinda is jailed for the lies he spoke demeaning the judiciary, the opposition is crying out asking HH to pardon him! What rubbish. I hope that Mfune MP has also been picked up, such a disgrace to womenfolk in leadership.

  4. UPND you are making more mistakes than resorting to revenge and violence. The police acts are not in anyway resolving issues they are fermenting already heightened emotions and anger. This time will be the time to heal and refocus on what has happened and how this can be resolved or avoided.
    Munir you are arresting and taking to unknown places was speaking for himself but the Easterners be careful the police high command and in particular those giving instructions or orders. If HH has mature and competent advisors. They can advise this is not the time to arrest anyone but to heal .

    • You are misleading the nation my friend. Are you aware that the current laws on criminal and civil law were left behind to be followed in the strictest sense.

      What is good for the mother is usually healthy for the baby. In short if the authorities then thought these laws where good for us , they must now cry foul if they are all subjected to their own steuctured laws.

      This nonsence of accusations must stop. That stupid remark can bring chaos in the country. Do you think the authorities must reward him with a big cup of ice cream. No my friend it is high time we begin to allow those who make their bed to sleep in them.

      You reap what you sow. In this case he will reap the whirlwind. He asked for it. Just ask the police politely which judge or warning he has been surmorned for.

      At this rate things are becoming extremely ridiculously embarrassing.

    • Now they must arrest that Mfune female MP whatever her name is. We all heard what she said, maximum jail sentences must be applied to deter others like Jean Chisenga from making similar mistakes. This is the first time in the history of the Zambia’s National Assembly that we have have imbeciles “elected” to sit in parliament. The imbeciles who took a chance and won on PF ticket or are ex-PF are bitter that their party did not win. Lungu is using these to make the country ungovernable. Lungu must also be taken in. His colleague, former Senegalese leader has already been arrested. The hangers on around Lungu must also be investigated. Leave no stone untouched to cage the remnants of the last brutal regime. Rupiah Banda’s wife was able to account for sources of funds for her Mpundu Trust; why is Lungu family failing to do the same if the money was not from corruption activities if their father?

    • And let that stunted Munir Zulu free after commuting a crime? Get real! Mfuwe MP must also be arrested otherwise this selective arrests for similar offences will not auger very well for police professionalism

  5. You’re mistaken if you think Munir Zulu is for national unity. Much of his political talk even before he became an MP has been about tribe.

    • Why are you glorifying stupidity you also! The bastard behaves like that because you tolerate nonsense! Stop showing us your foolishness and stupidity. You fckin prikhead!

  6. Even the kind of blood reporters we have,ati he has been picked by police and taken to the unknown place!!!he is in the hands of police thats all, or you wanted him to be taken at your house?

  7. There is no revenge here! You commit a crime, you go to jail. You steal public funds and build mansions you go in. Munir Zulu has crossed the red line; no revenge here. Even before elections he used to say Tongas are a minority group and should not government this country. He followed it with another tribal sentiment for which he was even arrested. This time, he must go in jail

  8. The calibre of some of the MPs in the current parliament leaves you wondering what was on in people’s minds to elect such uncouth characters as MPs.

    Or is it that our moral values are so low or nonexistent? Honestly, I can’t understand how Mr. Munir Zulu came to be elected MP for Lumezi constituency. Same wirh Petauke Central.

    Mr. Munir Zulu is a danger to our nation with his inflammatory tribal drivel.

  9. Please lock him up and ensure that the keys are thrown away. He has crossed the red line and our society is better off without him.

  10. 2026 please come…so that we get rid of these Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots…They think that the so called free Education and Useless CDF will give them victory…Mistaken they are .
    Absolutely no one is talking about this government…The people are discussing alternative Members of Parliament…and an alternative government..and UPND is not in the equation.. The ” it’s our time Doctrine” seems to have been seen by the populace.. NEVER AGAIN…
    and Civil Servants are feeling it.. Inexperienced younglings becoming DEBs , DESOs, Head Teachers.. because it is their time?? Utter Nosense.
    Even when a Praise Thug tries to initiate a political discussion in a pub , on a bus , in markets etc , people are staying clear, no comments, and the praise thug is left looking a fool.
    Lungu has done this and that! No comments.
    The President is coming back to Luanshya again…No comments. people are Just bored and uninterested.. resigned.
    2026 Come fast please, so that they know that time should be for everyone…not for a special breed…the sacreds.

  11. @Pafwenamwine your reasoning is not good. People like Munir Zulu should not be tolerated but should be taught a lesson. Also people should not hide tribal inclinations when the arm of the catches with them. It is embarrassing and unfortunate to have people like Munir Zulu in parliament who talks without thinking.

    Fools should be given attention and platform to pour out scorn and accusations on innocent. In this modern society with many intermarriage between men and women it is ridiculous to promote tribal talk at the expense of building unity and love. It is common nowadays see criminals and law breakers wanting be shielded from prosecution by using tribe. Intelligent and wise people are quick to hear but slow to speak.

  12. These Eagle people have lost the challenge of being the guardians of the Zambian people.Good ridence in 2026, SHOULD the UKA parties and the SP be on the ballot.


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