How the late TB Joshua miraculously healed me and my family and catered for us” Singer Victor AD recounts experience with late clergyman amid allegations


How the late TB Joshua miraculously healed me and my family and catered for us” Singer Victor AD recounts experience with late clergyman amid allegations

Nigerian singer and songwriter, Victor AD has shared his experience with late clergyman, Pastor TB Joshua amid reports of him being fake.

Taking to the micro-blogging platform Twitter now known as X, he debunked rumours that the clergyman was fake as he recounted the miracles he did for himself and his family.

Victor AD claimed that late TB Joshua healed gum from skin disease at the age of 6, restored his mum’s hand that was supposed to be amputated after a gunshot, and also healed his sister from blindness.

He noted how the late clergyman took them in and fed them when they were homeless. Noting how God isn’t a man, he told critics and haters to say whatever they like but it wouldn’t change God from being God.


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