By Mupishi Jones

In Zambia we have 10 provinces.In almost all these provinces Zambia has produced men and women of high educational and professional qualifications capable of serving in any government position.However,Mr.Kambwili at the auspices of the PF,have embarked on the tour of the country,demonising the Tonga people of Southern Province on grounds that Tongas are tribal are a tribal people and therefore, must not be voted into presidency.

Currently, the largest opposition political party in Zambia is the UPND. The president is Hakainde Hichilema a Tonga from southern province.The Vice President is Mutale Nalumango,a Bemba from the Northern region.The Secretary General is Batuke Imenda from Western Province.The NMC of the UPND draws it’s membership from all the 10 provinces of Zambia.

On the contrary,a glimpse at the last Cabinet of the PF which is sponsoring Kambwili’s tribal rantings, reveals the following members mainly appointed from 2 out of the 10 provinces;
1.D. Mwila – Defense- Northern
2. S.Kampyongo – Home Affairs- Northern
3. A.Chiteme- National Dev.- Northern
4. C.Yaluma- Commerce- Northern
5. Chitalu – Health- Northern
6. J.Chanda- Water- Northern
7. Bwalya N. – Finance- Northern
8. E.Mulenga- Youth- Northern
9. B.Mushimba – Higher Education- Northern
10. N.Luo – Fisheries- Northern
11. Kampamba M – Community- Northern
12. L.Sichalwe – Chiefs- Northern
13. G.Sumaili – Religious- Northern
14. F.Sikazwe – Presidential Affairs- Northern
15. R.Musukwa- Mines- Northern
16. D. Wanchinga – G/Education- Northern
17. J.Simukoko- Labour- Northern
18. S.Chalikosa- Works- Northern
19. M.Katambo – Agriculture- Northern
20. R.Chitotela – Tourism- Northern
21. D.Siliya – Information- Eastern
22. V.Mwale – Housing- Eastern
23. C.Banda- Local Govt.- Eastern
24. M.Nkhuwa – Energy- Eastern
25. E.Phiri – Gender- Eastern

26. O.Phiri- Office of VIP
27. G.Lubinda – Justice- Western
28. J.Malanji – Foreign- N/Western
29. J.Kapata – Lands- N/Western
30. M.Kafwaya- Transport- N/Western..

Are you aware that not a single person from Southern Province was represented into the just ended cabinet? This is the tribe and the region that is being unfairly accused of being tribal!!

Mupishi Jones
Presidential campaign Team/Vice Provincial Youth Treasurer UPND western


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