I am impressed by UPND MP, Hon. Heartson Mabeta’s candid views- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

I am impressed by UPND MP, Hon. Heartson Mabeta’s candid views.

He can’t be fooled by the false camaraderie in the UPND or the created sense of fake solidarity in Kitwe.

I think someone needed to tell the President that the crisis of the Copperbelt is the unresolved issues of Konkola Copper Mine and Mopani Copper Mines.

Renting crowds and creating a false perception of popularity won’t take away the crisis.

And Hon. Mabeta has said as it is.

18months on, contractors and suppliers to the mines are not paid, copper production almost at nil while global copper prices are relatively high, rendering the economy on the Copperbelt on standstill.

Relying on foreign solutions is surrendering control. How much do the two mines need? An effective approach to the mines can provide a game changer….or we want the crisis to simmer, the desperation to rise, the assets to degrade, so that we give them away for a song?


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