I hear your pain JUNIOR BALLY, and your complaint will not fall on deaf ears- Simon Mwewa Lane


Simon Mwewa Lane


When someone supports The President in the manner in which JUNIOR BALLY does, the powers that be should take note…and while I agree that young people should NOT expect handouts, I am also aware that an enabling environment has been created for young people to excel in their respective crafts.

JUNIOR BALLY is unique in the sense that he accurately captures the mannerisms and spirit of President HH…a rare talent that should be nurtured and cultivated.

As we approach the 2026 elections, young people like JUNIOR BALLY will be a tremendous asset to the party and the administration.

My advice to JUNIOR BALLY is this, position yourself in such a way that opportunities open doors for you…but do not expect handouts or free money. Offer a service and then get paid for that service.

My advice to the UPND party is this, reach out to JUNIOR BALLY and collaborate with him. You may ignore him now but as we approach 2026, you will need him because the demographic [ young people ] he represents are formidable registered voters.

I hear your pain JUNIOR BALLY, and your complaint will not fall on deaf ears. Keep creating and keep doing the great job that you’re doing. You are highly appreciated and highly valued.




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