By Petersen Zagaze

Let me start by saying I used to doubt Double H, but I am convinced and believe in him (Bally) unreservedly….

1. It is not easy to lead or belong to an opposition political party in Africa. One can’t run an opposing political structure for a long time, just within the past 10 years look at Opposition parties in Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya and Africa at large – it’s not things.
The political terrain isn’t friendly nor conducive at all, in Zambia look at the former mighty FDD today, MMD a party was in power 10years ago.
BUT HH HAS MANAGED TO GROW UPND AND MAKE IT MORE PREFERABLY AS YEARS PASS. The way UPND is loved this election is better than it was loved last general election and it’s been like that through out all these elections in the past years. This is clear enough to convince you and me that the man is a very good manager, he grows everything he touches.

2. Rich, wealthy or politically relevant Individuals that have tried to sell their desires to govern using the opposition space as a vehicle have also seen it tough. Many who have challenged governments especially ECL’s regime have not had it easy at all, look at M’membe and the post, Winter Kabimba, GBM, Kambwili or the one time in past life promising Mutati. Many are staggering but once been on their knees. Teyabana!
He has never starved to fall off, he is a self made achiever and doesn’t need recognition from another to be relevant. He uses who he is to create a political space for many. I swear UPND won’t be here without HH. Imagine if this party was given to that other one who wanted it 😂😂😂

3. If HH had crimes on him, he wouldn’t be here today because the current government really wants to find even a record that will show he stole his wife’s heart for them to arrest and block him from being a Presidential candidate.
That’s why even overtaking him on Limulunga road was ‘treason case’.
If HH was Kambwili with forgery cases, if HH was Chitotela with acquitted 9 counts of suspected corruption, if HH was with allegations of funding rebels in foreign countries, if HH was with any case to his name 🤔🤔 sembe kuli kantu. Manje wala!!
THAT IS A MAN I NEED FOR A LEADER, UPRIGHT AS UPRIGHT ITSELF. Many corrupt people are afraid because they know if he comes they won’t steal.

Dear HH when I grow up I want to be like you


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