Kaizer Zulu


KAIZER Zulu says people who are not his friends on Facebook should not comment on his posts with their “conscious of insanity” because he will insult them.

The warning from the former political advisor for President Edgar Lungu came a day Facebook users “roasted” over a post saying he would be dinning at the closed Chicagos Reloaded Restaurant at Lusaka’s East Park Mall.

Many saw Zulu’s post as undermining Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa’s authority and they did not hold back their views on the matter.

After Chicagos’ management backed down and announced their closure, Facebook users celebrated while some mocked Zulu.

But in another post, Zulu warned that whatever he posted on Facebook was for his friends.

“Madam’s and Sir’s my posts are for my friends. If you’re not, please don’t comment with your conscious of insanity. I WILL INSULT YOU PERIOD,” Zulu wrote.

Credit Kalemba


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