Miles Sampa


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Miles Sampa has assured that violence and threats will not be party of his leadership style as he leads the country’s biggest opposition political party.

He said unlike his opponents who thrived on intimidation, violence and threats, his leadership was all-inclusive and peaceful.

Sampa said alebwelelapo project coordinator Raphael Nakacinda and team still have to undergo five stages of misery before they acknowledge his leadership.

Sampa submitted before the High Court that since he replaced Edgar Lungu as the leader of the PF, no member of the party has been ejected or threatened with suspension as alleged by Mporokoso member of parliament Brian Mundubile

In this matter Nakacinda, Mutotwe Kafwaya, Greyford Monde and Mundubile are challenging Samp’s installation as president during at a convention held on October 24, 2023.

Mundubile had asked the Court to grant him an injunction stopping Sampa’s Secretary General Morgan Ng’ona from hounding him out of the party.

However Sampa filed an affidavit in opposition to Mundubile’s application for an order of interim injunction.

He said the re-launching of an application that has already been dealt with by the Court is a abuse of Court process on reasons that there is an injunction already filed by Nakacinda and Mundubile’s application is a repetition of what Nakacinda is praying for.

“Contrary to the allegations that Mundubile is facing an impending expulsion the same could not be further from the truth,” Sampa said.

He clarified that neither himself nor his secretary general Ng’ona have suspended or expelled any party member neither has anyone been threatened with suspension or expulsion.

“Mundubile is being melodramatic and mischievous when he claims that if the injunction is not granted he is likely to be expelled because his defiance of me renders him susceptible to expulsion,” Sampa said.

“As president of PF I am not running the party the same way the plaintiffs and their cohorts were running it by using threats, violence suspensions and expulsions.”

He said he runs the party democratically and intends to work with every disciplined member of the party who has interests of the party at heart.

Sampa said no member has been under threat for opposing him.

“The plaintiffs are afraid of their own shadows and their fears have no basis in reality as no one has threatened to suspend or expel them,”Sampa said.

“I am awaiting for plaintiffs to exhaust five stages of grief and come to accept that I am president of the party.”

He indicated that reality will soon strike and his opposers will accept him as they are still in denial about the state of affairs.

Sampa charged that there is nothing to injunct as the matters sought to be stopped have been overtaken by events and can only be determined either before judge Timothy Katanekwa or Situmbeko Chocho if Nakacinda and his team still wish to pursue the matter.

“The stage to be granted an injunction has passed and what should follow is the determination of the case,” he said.

The matero member of parliament said Nixon Chilangwa is also claiming to be secretary general of the PF as he was appointed before Nakacinda.

He said case is inappropriately before court as there cannot be two claimants of the same position from the same faction.

Sampa said the court should establish who the real Secretary General is because Nakacinda is acting on the illegal appointment of Lubinda who was also illegally installed as acting vice president by Lungu.

He stated that only judge Katanekwa will ascertain whether Lungu’s appointments were valid and Nakacinda and Lubinda’s fate are tied to the decision yet to be made by judge Katanekwa.

Sampa requested that the matter be dismissed or stayed pending determination of the matter before judge Katanekwa.



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