If I depended on music, I’d be starving – Slap Dee


If I depended on music, I’d be starving – Slap Dee

By Muzamba Siandizya
IF I depended only on music for survival, I’d be starving, says Mwila Musonda alias Slap Dee.

Among all the hip hop artists we have in the country it’s arguably true that Slap Dee deserves the title of King of hip hop because whenever he releases a song or an album, be guaranteed it will catch your attention. If only attention alone could pay the bills.

Born on April 27, 1987, Slap Dee, has won multiple awards since he started his music career. This year, many people wondered where he was as he seemed to be very quiet almost the whole year only to bless us with a hit song Kalibu on which he featured the Kopala queen Xaven and he later featured on Nalitumpa by 4 na 5 which grew even bigger when former president Edgar Lungu was caught on camera singing and dancing to it while leaving the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court…

-News Diggers


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