Bowman suffering from political identity crisis, says Mpundu

By Charles Tembo

IGNORE Bowman Lusambo, he is now suffering from political identity crisis, says PF founder member Johnson Mpundu.

On Thursday, the embattled Kabushi PF member of parliament conducted a one-man protest at Hot FM radio where a British delegation with Minister for Africa Vicky Ford and UK High Commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Woolley had appeared.

Lusambo flaunted a placard that read, “The Zambian Speaker is impartial. Parliament is not independent. Speaker is killing our democracy. There is no corruption fight but political persecution.”

However, the UK delegation seemingly ignored Lusambo.

Commenting on the same, Mpundu said Lusambo was just embarrassing the PF.

“This Bowman Lusambo chap should just be ignored. Look at how he embarrassed himself. That delegation just ignored him! , they were not interested in seeing what Lusambo was doing. So it is just good to ignore Lusambo because the man is now suffering from political identity crisis,” he said.

“Today he is enjoying freedom to express himself but just a few months ago, such protests could have landed someone in police cells. A good example is Sean Tembo who was protesting on good intentions, but the PF gave him a good beating. So it is clear now that the freedom that has come is there to be abused by the PF who abused the Zambian people.”

Mpundu said PF leaders should understand that they are in a crisis.

He said the PF should further go back to its origins and learn what cost them the elections.

“But for now it is just arrogance after arrogance. Even what Bowman Lusambo is doing is pure arrogance. He thinks when he protests, then his property will be safe?” asked Mpundu. “It is just better for him to explain what he did and how he got the money he has today. The PF should learn not to fool the Zambian people.”


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