I’m increasingly of the view that Jay Jay’s disappearance is a PF scheme, like the gassing-LAURA MITI

Emanuel JJ Banda


I’m increasingly of the view that Jay Jay’s disappearance is a PF scheme, like the gassing.

The response is too drilled for my liking. Reminds one of those random fires & , yes, gassing. Too scripted, in concert & exclusionary of so many possible alternatives is the PF reaction.


  1. Government and all the security wings should switch gear and not react to PF organised crimes. They need to check all the service personnel actively working with Lungu including those supplied by government. The reason why they left his phones, it’s because they knew his phones could be tracked. All those giving alarming statements know exactly what they were doing. Lungu is not going to stop this behaviour because, he survives and prevails in chaos. The police should not be reactive. They should stop Lungu. As security wings they should be way far ahead of Lungu and bring to book and put him away. All his actions so far have been Daring the government. There’s no need for this drama unless all security wings are incompetent. The security personnel looking after Lungu’s security have to changed regularly and only highly trained and vigilant personnel should be allocated to provide security to him. These guys gassed and killed so many Zambians and there was no single time when all behaved like this. PF & UKA are a criminal syndicate.


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