Dante Saunders


… and I’ll not get orders from State House, says Saunders


I’LL not get orders from State House when conducting my duties as a board member of ZNBC because my role is to ensure that I make the organisation viable, says Dante Saunders

Mr Saunders, whose appointment was questioned on grounds that he did not have the right qualifications and was old said the move was meant to discredit him by the opposition because they felt he belonged to the ruling party.

He said that most MPs felt he had a vendetta against them and that he did not expect them to support his appointment.

Mr Saunders however said the MPs were right to question his qualifications because there were a number of people who did not know about him hence the worry.

Mr Saunders said that he was aware that his age was catching up but that he was up to the task and would ensure that he made ZNBC viable.

He said he never begged or lobbied for the job but that it was actions and contributions that made the appointing authority notice his hard work.

Mr Saunders said he would not let the Zambians down by being partisan or unjust in the course of duty but that he’ll ensure that he remains steadfast.

“I’m not shocked that the MPs questioned my qualifications but I can assure you that I’m ready for this and my contributions will be very immense and will be appreciated afterwards,” he said.

Mr Saunders said there was need to judge him for his past works as he had done a lot for the country and that he was sure of adding more value.

He said that he was contemplating on retiring but that he would not do so because he was given a mandate to save the people.

Mr Saunders said he did not habour any grudges against those who were criticisng him for his age and that he would prove them wrong with his actions.

He said people should not write him off because of his qualifications and age but that he had vast business experience which could come in handy.


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