Keith Mweemba: Mr Tayali what did you say your queries are based on?

Tayali: Know, what, where, and when sir?

Keith Mweemba: Mr Tayali how many names did you say my client have?
and to whom did you actually report under the old and new names?

Tayali: At UNZA he had three names but now he’s got two….

Keith Mweemba: Who gives and choses names?

Tayali: Your client

Keith Mweemba: And when someone choses the name he she thinks it fits for his or her identification is it you to refuse or…?

Tayali: No

Gilbert Phiri: Mr Tayali how many houses did the state sell?

Tayali: They are many.

Gilbert Phiri: Would you help this honourable court to mention them and eventually mentioning the new owners?

Tayali: No sir.

Marshal Muchende: Mr Tayali whom did you say sold national assets?

Tayali: HH

Marshal Muchende:Under what capacity and process?

Tayali: Not knowing sir.

Keith Mweemba: Mr Tayali you said my client used the influence he had to purchase a house he owns in Kabulonga, what influence was that?

Tayali: Mute

Gilbert Phiri: Mr Tayali how old did you say my client was when he purchased the said house?

Tayali: (calculates then mute….)

Marshal Muchende: Mr Tayali was my client in government when these assets were being sold?

Tayali: No sir.

Marshal Muchende: But how come he sold them?

Tayali: Mute

……… to be continued Ba Tayali muleyipusha, law yaliba complicated ka….!!! Ask Kanganja.

(Assumption of the real case in court)


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