By Patricia Male/Chileshe Mwango

The opposition UPND has condemned Vice President Inonge Wina for publicly giving out money to residents of Solwezi in North-Western Province over the weekend.

Mrs. Wina’s security had a tough time controlling the crowd as they jostled for the cash handouts after she was seen giving money to Solwezi residents in what she said were empowerment funds.

Reacting to the incident, UPND Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa feels the vice president’s action undermines the office of the vice president especially that it is the second highest office in the land.

Mr. Mweetwa has told Phoenix News in an interview that the 2021 general elections will not be free and fair because of the alleged massive vote buying being witnessed from senior government officials.

He has since reiterated the UPND’s call on the PF to state where the ruling party is getting money from to dish out to citizens in the midst of the current economic hardship that most citizens are facing.

Meanwhile, the Civil Society Constitution Agenda-CISCA- has also castigated the vice president for joining other PF senior members in dishing out money to voters.

CISCA Chairperson Judith Mulenga says Mrs. Wina’s action contradicts the PF’S stance on ensuring integrity and the fight against corruption.



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