Insults land woman in court for claiming that her neighbour sleeps with all men in Matero Police Camp


Insults land woman in court

Claimed neighbour sleeps with all men in Matero Police Camp

A WOMAN of Lusaka aged 27 has been ordered to pay K500 in compensation for claiming that her neighbour sleeps with all men in Matero Police Camp.

Prudence was sued to court by Hildah for compensation for defamation and insults.
In her statement, Hildah, a resident of Matero Police Camp told the court that Prudence accused her of being a prostitute who sleeps with a lot of men in the camp.

She said the defendant also called her a ‘virgin nkonte’ for being single at her old age.
The court also heard that Prudence told Hildah that she was a barren woman who will never have a child in her life.

“This woman calls me a prostitute. She also says I will never have a child because I am barren and she accuses me of sleeping with almost all the men in the police camp,’’ she said.

Hildah said Prudence also mocked her for being single saying that she will never get married.
She begged the court to order Prudence to show her the men she was accused of sleeping with because the allegation has dented her image as a young woman.

In her defence, Prudence told the court that Hildah was the one who accused her of being a prostitute.

“One day, she came to my house and started announcing that the only child whom I have with my husband was not his because he resembled another man she knew,” she said.

Prudence said Hildah’s words had the potential to ruin her marriage and asked the plaintiff to show her the real father of her child since she talked about it all the time.

In her judgment, Magistrate Harriet Mulenga noted that Prudence was talkative and provoked the complainant, who is much younger than her.
She advised Prudence to tone down and learn how to live in peace with neighbours by minding her own business.

Magistrate Mulenga ordered Prudence to compensate Hilda with K500 to be paid at the monthend of June in full.

Credit: Zambia Daily Mail S


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