By Chileshe Mwango

Transparency International Zambia -TIZ- President Sampa Kalunga has urged the office of the director of public prosecution -DPP- and investigative wings to coordinate if the fight against corruption is to be won.

And Mr. Kalunga says the DPP might be misleading herself if is true that she has directed the drug enforcement commission -DEC- to exculpate itself over the re-arrest of former Konkola copper mine -KCM- provisional liquidator Milingo.

Mr. Kalunga says the jurisdictions of the DPP are well stipulated and do not include arresting and investigation hence the need to leave institutions such as DEC and the Zambia police.

The director of public prosecution recently entered a Nolle Prosequi in a matter where former KCM provisional Liquidator Milingo Lungu was charged with theft and money laundering involving k4.4 million but was re-arrested by DEC.

It is however reported that the move has angered DPP Lillian Siyuni who has since directed DEC Director General Mary Chirwa to exculpate herself saying the commission should have waited for her instructions before re-arresting Mr. Lungu.

Meanwhile, leadership movement president Richard Silumbe has called for more seriousness to the fight against corruption as the current fight is uninspiring.

Dr. Silumbe tells Phoenix News, that government should be seen to take this fight with the aggression it deserves unlike the current situation which he describes as mere rhetoric and lacking seriousness.


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