Is Fred M’membe a factor in these elections?

There seem to be belief among people in both the Patriotic Front and United Party for National Development that, this year’s election is just a two-horse race. Many political spectators share this view.

I hold a different view. I think there is a third force which on face value looks too insignificant but in reality, is a force that may shock people during elections.

While there exist many parties doing some sort of mobilization activities, the mere actions do not confirm the effectiveness of such. You can take part in a race but is your speed and subsequently, your prowess enough to win you that race?- is my question. From the look of things, it is like Socialist Party is growing at unprecedented speed. They have finished adopting all candidates from councilor to Member of Parliament in due course than every other party. They have all of the sudden registered visibility in all the parts of the country. And what is more is that, they have structures all across the country.

Their pioneer Dr. Fred M’membe has on several times said that he would rather spend more time talking to people in communities and rural parts than spend his time on radios and televisions being interviewed. This seems to be working.

One greatest gift we cannot take away from M’membe is the fact that, the man is a great thinker and a strategist. Save for his shortcomings, you do not underestimate M’membe. He is that one person who will accept to lose the battle in order to retreat and regain composure then strike you hard to win the eventual war. The man may turn out to be a serious problem for both PF and UPND.

The greatest strength, it seems, that forms the basis of Socialist Party’s sudden visibility in across Zambia is the numerous roots of Fred M’membe. He identifies himself with the Lozi where his mother comes from. He is also Bemba where his father come from. The man has Tonga blood where one branch of his grand parents hail from. Then, he has traces of Northwestern blood. He can fluently speak languages found in all these provinces without difficulty.

Underestimate such a person at your own peril.

Tackson Mwape


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