By Brightwell Chabusha

Governance Activist Isaac Mwanza has described the selection of Professor Nkandu Luo as expected as she has vast experience in the running of government.

He has, however, advised President Lungu and his running mate to ensure relations between government and students are cordial.

“The position of running mate require someone who is competent to do the job and put the interests of Zambia and its people at heart. A running mate is the face of the President in legislative matters and so you need someone with experience,” Mr Mwanza told Zambia Reports.

He said Professor Luo both has the necessary competence in running of government and experience in parliamentary business.

Mr Mwanza, who is also Zambia National Students’ Union Secretary General, has encouraged Professor Luo and President Lungu to mend what has been a relation that deteriorated during Professor Luo’s reign at the Ministry of Higher Education.

“Human interactions are associated with conflict but it is the manner in which those in leadership decide to resolve them which matters the most. I believe Professor Luo and students who were aggrieved with some of her decisions still have an opportunity to mend fences and look at the bigger picture,” he said.

Mr Mwanza has also advised the women movement to support the nomination of a woman for a running mate.

He has since urged President Lungu and his running mate to embrace more youths in governance.

“As we can see, there is a little number of young people adopted in these elections despite the fact that 55 percent of voters who will decide the outcome of these results are the youth aged 18 to 35. The President must then do something more to show that he shall embrace more youths in the same manner women have been embraced under his administration,” said Mr Mwanza


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