Tutwa Ngulube

IT IS contemptuous for McDonald Chipenzi to claim that President Edgar Lungu is not eligible to contest the 2021 elections when the matter is in court, Lusaka lawyer, Tutwa Ngulube has said.

Mr Ngulube also said the Constitutional Court already ruled on the matter even if President Lungu was not mentioned in the judgement.

He said in an interview that as the Attorney General, Likando Kalaluka had submitted before the court, the matter had already been deliberated upon by the court.

Mr Ngulube however said it was contemptuous for GEARS executive director, Mr Chipenzi to claim that President Lungu was not eligible to contest the upcoming elections.

“That is a dead matter because the court already ruled that the period President Lungu ruled did not constitute a term. It does not matter whether he was not personally mentioned. So to insist that he is not eligible, especially with another matter seeking a similar interpretation is contemptuous,” he said.

And Mr Ngulube said it was not surprising that Mr Chipenzi was pursuing such a narrative because he was a known UPND sympathiser.

He said for a man who once aspired to contest elections on the UPND ticket, Mr Chipenzi was still UPND – Daily Nation


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