By Patson Chilemba

Davies Mwila must immediately suspend Bowman Lusambo for showing disrespect and insubordination to the Vice-President, says ruling PF central committee member and the party’s first ever member of parliament Emmanuel Mpankata.

The PF in Kitwe yesterday suspended Kitwe mayor Christopher Kang’ombe and Binwell Mpundu for among other things holding a press briefing while Vice-President Inonge Wina and secretary general Davies Mwila were in the city, although Kang’ombe argued that the briefing was only held an hour later after the duo had left the city.

But speaking with Daily Revelation, Mpankata said Lusambo was holding a rally on the very day, saying Mwila must take immediate action against the Lusaka Province minister for insubordination.

“The one who deserves suspension is Bowman Lusambo. Bowman Lusambo that is the highest order of insubordination, the Vice-President of the Republic of Zambia and the vice-president of the party is in the Province and you go hold a rally and people fail to attend to the Vice-President’s business because a provincial mobilisation chairman is holding a rally,” Mpankata said. “That is the person who deserves to be suspended from the party, and the SG should act now. Because you can’t behave in such a manner, that is disrespecting the Vice-President. He needs to be suspended immediately and the secretary general must start instituting disciplinary measures against Bowman Lusambo. You can’t behave in such a manner, no, no, no.”

Mpankata said Lusambo was becoming a monster in the PF.

“He needs to be suspended immediately. And quote me. It’s like he’s becoming a monster in the party, calling himself a bulldozer. Bulldozer for who? Bene Kang’ombe’s issues I don’t want to speak to them but Bowman Lusambo should be suspended with immediate effect,” said Mpankata. “He disrespected the Vice-President. I am interested in how Bowman Lusambo disrespected the Vice-President.”


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