Jay Jay Banda is very stable, able to speak, and has no serious physical injuries–Jack Mwiimbu


MINISTER of Home Affairs and Internal Security Jack Mwiimbu has disclosed that Petauke Member of Parliament Emmanuel Jay Banda is stable, able to speak, and has no serious physical injuries.

Addressing the media this morning, Mr Mwiimbu said the Member of Parliament was found in Kafue by Zambia Police, working together with members of the public following his plea yesterday.

He said the government does not know who is behind the abduction of Mr Banda, and therefore he has been moved from a private health facility to Maina Soko Military Hospital for his safety.

“I want to inform the nation that our colleague is in a safe environment until we thoroughly investigate the matter. We need to protect him; we do not know who is responsible for the abduction. I would like to assure the family that we will ensure the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to book. It is in the interest of the nation and the family to know who is behind this criminal activity,” he said.

Mr Mwiimbu called on Mr Banda’s family to cooperate as law enforcement agencies endeavor to find the perpetrators of the crime.

“It is in their interest to ensure that their brother or uncle is in a safe environment. Maina Soko Military Hospital is a safe and secure environment, and the medical personnel there are very professional. I would like to appeal to the public not to be misled by malicious reports being circulated; no harm will occur to our colleague. We have worked throughout the night to ensure that he is safe. We shall investigate the matter and the nation will be informed of the outcome. We have nothing to hide, as it is in our interest to ensure that the truth is established. I would like to call on the public not to be swayed by politicians and not to do anything inimical to the people of Zambia. Let’s not allow people to make hate speech or tribal remarks,” Mr Mwiimbu said.



  1. Stop telling lies. It is not the police who found him. He made his way to a nearby house from where he was dropped off a moving vehicle. It is from there that he asked for a phone and called his mother who alerted the family which also contacted political associates.

  2. Some tribes like telling lies. Nomba kwati mule eba utwa iche sure. Can’t you feel ashamed to tell lies in public, and an old person! How can police find him when they already knew what was going. Pretended to throw somewhere so that he reaches some members of the public’s home. Ala people will pay for all these sins. And after 2026 there should be massive cleansing of the police service because some people there have become too excited and too powerful that they have even forgotten their terms of reference! So people from some regions should not come and cry foul when they are cleansed by the next government because they don’t know what their work demands, they are putting tribalism in front. And Mwimbu is a very old man who should not be expected to be having like this. He was a very senior civil servant in Kaunda’s government and he saw what happened when Unip and the all powerful Kaunda were booted out. It’s like he thinks Upnd won’t go out of government. But indications on the ground ba Mwimbu, chances of Upnd being booted out of government are very high, because people are very annoyed with Upnd, and from your actions hatred of Upnd by most Zambians is growing bigger bigger every day! So I am not sure how you are thinking you will retain power in 2026! A lot of people ople will die from Bp in 2026 because of lies!

  3. Do not make quick conclusions and at the same time say that UPND is losing in 2026. Which people are angry with UPND? Its only the plunderers who are angry because they have no access to free money. Do not include me because UPND is working very hard to panel beat the broken economy damaged by you thugs.

  4. I think the government has a lot of explaining to do… Looking at the narrative being peddled by UPND praise thugs and Tribal Zealots..and Koswe Rogue Media… some thing has started looking odd in this case..very odd.
    Abduct, and use propaganda and frame ECL.. I think those mysterious fires which rocked the country when the supreme leader was under detention should be revisited..We might be dealing with fire men… Mingalatoons who can do anything to rescue their dwindling political fortunes.

  5. During colonialism in Northern rhodesia, colonialists used to use Tongas and Lozis to abduct those (bembas and Ngonis) who were fighting colonialists. Not all tribes are loyal amd reason why HH is pro musungus than loyal to Zambia. Now they are using Ngonis and Bembas to fight each other, divide and rule.

    • Are you old enough to know that for a fact?
      You should be embarassed to utter lies like this. Mwamba your tutor has run of lies to tell?
      Go back to school and get a trade instead of being a tool like tissue paper to tell lies.


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