JJ Banda complained of general body pains, and bruises were observed on his back – Police


JJ Banda complained of general body pains, and bruises were observed on his back – Police

Statement below

*Follow-Up Report on the Case of Abandoned Motor Vehicle and Missing Person – Twin Palm Police Station*
May 27, 2024-This press statement serves as a follow-up on the report concerning the abandoned motor vehicle and the missing person, Honourable Jay Banda, made on May 25, 2024 at 03:30 hours.

On May 25, 2024, a concerned member of the public, of Meanwood Ibex, reported an abandoned motor vehicle via a phone call, a Toyota Land Cruiser with registration number BAX 3974ZM without the front number plate.

The vehicle was discovered parked by the roadside 2.6 Km West of Twin Palm police station with the engine running, doors not locked, lights on and the right side of the windscreen shattered.

Inside the vehicle, officers only found two phones and a written note stating, “DEAR ZAMBIANS AM VERY SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND STAY BLESSED HON JAY BANDA MP.”

Honourable Jay Banda was reported missing, prompting an extensive investigation by the police.

Yesterday, May 26, 2024, at approximately 23:10 hours, a CID officer on call at Kafue Police Station received a report from a member of the public about someone claiming to be Honourable Jay Banda at Kasanga Family Farm, located off the gravel road leading to Kafue Boys Secondary School. Police officers quickly responded to the scene.

Upon arrival, the officers were joined by family members who arrived in three different vehicles, guided by a resident of the farm. The family members identified the individual as the missing Honourable Jay Banda. He was found lying on the kitchen doorstep of the farm house, claiming to have been dumped by unknown persons a few meters from the farm. Honourable Banda complained of general body pains, and bruises were observed on his back.

The police, along with family members, promptly transported Honourable Jay Banda to Kafue General Hospital for initial medical care. At the hospital, a disagreement arose between the relatives of Honourable Banda and the police. The relatives insisted on transferring him to Medlands Hospital, while the police preferred that he be taken to Maina Soko Medical Centre to ensure comprehensive medical evaluation under secure conditions.

The Zambia Police Service wishes to express concerns regarding the actions of the relatives of Honourable Jay Banda following his discovery.

After Honourable Jay Banda was found at Kasanga Family Farm and identified by family members, he complained of general body pains and had visible bruises. The police arranged for an ambulance to transport him to Maina Soko Medical Centre for proper medical treatment under a secure environment and for further investigations.

However, the relatives forcibly took him to Medlands Hospital, disregarding the police’s duty and plans for his safety. Despite the presence of an ambulance, the relatives remained uncooperative. Police officers trailed the vehicle to Medlands Hospital and again attempted to engage in dialogue with the relatives, who remained adamant.

Ultimately, the police used all legal means to ensure Honourable Banda’s transfer to Maina Soko Medical Centre, where he is now receiving treatment in a secure environment.

The Zambia Police Service has intensified investigations into this matter. We urge the public to remain calm and refrain from speculating or spreading unverified information. We are committed to uncovering the truth behind this incident and ensuring that all those responsible are held accountable.

Further updates will be provided as the investigation progresses. We appreciate the cooperation and support of the public in this ongoing investigation.

Rae Hamoonga


  1. Does the family not have the right to take their beloved one to a medical institution of choice regardless of his status? Why is the police trying to take that choice away from the family? Does the state decide for us which medical institution we seek treatment from? This is all fishy! We are talking about a ‘caring’ government here that has stopped ECL and GBM from seeking medical attention abroad.

    • Who are the “we” you’re talking about? The state has stood accused of abducting him. It has to a duty to establish what happened during the alleged abduction and it will do so. If that’s too much for you, tough luck. ECL is not ill and is doing very well thank you. Ditto for GBM.

      • You are still young and you don’t understand why you are writing this pity latrine messages if at all you understand the security I don’t think you could have dropped such nosense

    • Stopped ECL from what? As for GMB what stopped him from going abroad? He claims he is rich. The courts allowed him? Go abroad for BP (as reported by the Press?).
      Its ironic that only PF persons accused seem to get critically ill when its time to go to court.

      This JJ, his wife is now turning on him. Uko, she brought him boxers. And its now reported that Lungu hid him. How then is HH involved? 3am from mai nini?
      And the entire PF wants to claim that it was HH. Uko amai Nini akamba…zowona

  2. The family must understand that the Police have a duty and a right to ensure safety of the individual while investigations into his abduction are under way.

    • The law regards all individuals sui juris to have autonomy over their bodies. Forceful admission to Maina Soko of Mr Jay Jay Banda,offends this law in most common law jurisdictions. The relatives were acting in Mr Banda’s interests.The security exception, pales into insignificance in this situation.

  3. These are pure tribalist. Forget about them. I see why even people from eastern province don’the vote for them. Imagine the inter-mariages we have in this country. There are some tongas who are from eastern province 1950 what are you going to with them and they came from southern province where the entire extend family is? Vibantu vikulu nivimutu vikulu but with shallow brains. Mu Zambia no opposition. They are all useless


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