By Daily Star Reporter

Junkies in Lusaka’s Matero area have killed a 43-year-old man.

According to a family member who reached out to Daily Star Newspaper today, the said junkies cut the head of the deceased into two parts adding that they even removed the brain of deceased and dumped the body by the road side.

And in an interview with Daily Star Newspaper today, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga has confirmed the incident and said it happened between 00.00hrs and 06:00 hrs.

He identified the deceased as Davison Zulu.

“Police today March ,20 2022 at around 06:30hrs received a report of suspected murder from members of the public in which a male person by the name of Davison Zulu aged 43 of unknown address in Matero Township was found dead along Commonwealth Road near a Bridge bus stop in Matero Township. The Police rushed to the scene and upon physical search it was discovered that the deceased sustained a deep cut on top of his head and broken Left leg,”

Hamoonga said the body of the deceased has been identified by his sister Alice Zulu aged 50.

He said the body has since been taken to UTH mortuary awaiting postmortem to ascertain the cause of death.

“However the circumstance which led to the death of the deceased is not yet known Police suspect foul play. Investigations have been launched,” he said.


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