…….as alert residents apprehend one suspect sent to collect the K3000 ransom money being demanded
Residents of new Kamwala are living in fear after a gang of over 100 junkies from Misisi compound armed with machetes and golf-sticks stormed an area in Kamwala popularly known as pa Banda last night, terrorizing the community, leaving one person with a serious deep head injury, and kidnapping another.
Facts of the matter are that around 21:00 hrs last night, one of the junkies from the nearby Misisi compound caught stealing from a Ruwandese shop was severely beaten by an irate mob of Kamwala residents before taking him to UTH hospital.
However, later when the larger junkie family from Misisi heard of their friends misfortune, they mobilized themselves to take revenge and raided the shop, threatening the Ruwandese shop-owner, beating up everyone they could lay their hands on, and hacking one Kamwala resident on the head with a panga and kidnapping one of the shop-keepers.
Meanwhile Kamwala Ward councillor Mainda Simataa has confirmed the incident, saying one of the suspects allegedly sent to demand ransom money from the shop owner was apprehended by alert residents this evening and handed-over to Kabwata police who’ve since launched a man-hunt for the junkies in conjunction with central police flying squad.
Muvi TV