Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, MP


….As Dr. Musokotwane calls for consistent and effective monitoring of budget execution by all stakeholders

Lusaka, Wednesday, 17th May, 2023 (SMART EAGLES)

Finance and National Planning Minister Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane has called for consistent and effective monitoring of budget execution by all stakeholders in their sectors of operation and interest.

The Minister has affirmed that the implementation of the 2023 budget is on course as all major budgeted programmes are now being funded, considerably.

He has also appealed to members of the public (individual and corporate) to actively participate in the formulation of the 2024 National Budget and the 2024 to 2026 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).

Dr Musokotwane was commenting in connection with the April 2023 funding report whereby the Government released a total of K11.4 billion for developmental programmes and public service delivery.

“Of the K11.4 billion, K2 billion was released for transfers, subsidies and social benefits, whilst K2.2 billion was spent on debt service (domestic and external) and dismantling of arrears, and K3.6 billion was spent on the public service wage bill. In addition, the Government released K3.2 billion for implementation of various government programmes and general operations, while K359.7 million was spent on road infrastructure,” he said.

“From the K2.2 billion released for debt service and dismantling of arrears, a sum of K1.6 billion went towards both domestic and external debt payments to multilaterals while the component related to dismantling of arrears for suppliers of goods and services, got K627.4 million.”

Notable expenditure items under this category, included:

1) K388.3 million as grants to schools;

2) K275.3 million for the Farmer Input Support Programme;

3) K209.9 million for the nationwide Social Cash Transfer Programme;

4) K436.5 million for the operations of hospitals, other grant aided institutions under various Ministries;

5) K221.2 million for the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) for pensioners financing gap and grant;

6) K100 million for the Local Authorities Superannuation Fund (LASF) financing gap;

7) K115.1 million for university grants to ensure smooth operations; and,

😎 K111.6 million to the Local Government Equalization Fund.

K3.2 billion was released to facilitate service delivery under various public institutions. Under this aspect, notable expenditure items included:

1) K436.7 million for the procurement of drugs, medical supplies and equipment (Ministry of Health);

2) K22.4 million for TAZAMA workers’ salaries;

3) K125 million for the Compensation and Awards Fund;

4) K42.5 million targeted at youth skills development through the Skills Development Fund;

5) K24.6 million Tourism Levy for development of Infrastructure in tourist locations; and,

6) K2.7 billion for general operations of Ministries, Provinces and Agencies (MPA’s), of which K631 million went towards public, health, education as well as water and sanitation infrastructure.



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