A MOBILE money agent of Ndola has been detained in police custody after a K17,000 out of K22,000 that he had in his pocket allegedly turned to paper.

Luckson Tembo is alleged to have called his boss Linah Hanyama panic stricken that he had lost a K17,000 which he claimed turned into paper.

In disbelief of the claim, Ms Hanyama took Tembo to police so that he could explain the story which to her seemed fabricated.

Copperbelt police commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba said police received a report of Theft by Servant which occurred on Wednesday March 29 at around 09:09 hours in Ndola’s Itawa area.

“Brief facts of the matter are that the complainant who runs a mobile money business received a phone call from her agent who informed her that as he was working at the booth, part of his working capital money amounting to K17, 000. turned into mere plain papers. This was out of K22, 000 cash money which the suspect claimed that was secured in his pockets,” he said.

Mr Mweemba said the complainant, Ms Hanyama could not believe the story and as such, she reported the matter to the police for help.

“She could not understand a situation like that, were money which is put together and a part of it turns into mere plain papers. A docket of the case has been opened and the suspect detained in police custody as Investigations into the matter are instituted,” he said.



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