Copperbelt UPND Chairman Hon Elisha Matambo has continued mobilizing the party on the Copperbelt and today was in Kabushi Constituency where he went to mobilize the party and at the same time drum up support for Hon Kanengo the UPND Candidate for the coming by elections.
At the various polling station management committees, Hon Matambo told the people that once Hon Kanengo is voted in as Member of Parliament for Kabushi, developmental programs will be initiated at the speed of light considering that the constituency has not just lacked development but also is behind in implementing the K25.7M CDF backed projects due to the failure by the former PF Member of Parliament to utilize the money as he politicized the funds.
Hon Matambo also said the constituency has also not seen empowerment programs due to the former PF Member of Parliament who has politicized all government programs that were meant to uplift living standards of Kabushi residents. Hon Matambo asked Hon Kanengo to make sure that once put in office, residents must enjoy many empowerment programs the New Dawn Government has put in place as well as bring the needed development in Kabushi Constituency.
So far, Kabushi is red and residents are ready to vote for UPND so that they can enjoy the benefits New Dawn Government has put in place through various programs. Currently the political atmosphere in Kabushi is free from violent activities as Mr Lusambo’s NATO forces are no where to be seen. Residents are now free to make free choices that will see Kabushi develop.