KALABA, KBF TALK 2026…if we don’t bridge the divide, we might end up regretting


KALABA, KBF TALK 2026…if we don’t bridge the divide, we might end up regretting

By Fanny Kalonda

CITIZENS First president Harry Kalaba says there is need for progressive political parties to work together to defeat UPND and “its corrupt mentalities in 2026”.
“If we don’t bridge the divide, we might end up regretting,” he warned.

Speaking when Zambia Must Prosper president Kelvin Fube Bwalya paid a courtesy call on him at his party secretariat, Kalaba said the country has reached at a crossroads hence the need for the opposition to forge hands.

“It is the recognition, the deep recognition that we have reached the crossroads as a country and that it is high time we began looking at what are our points of convergence as opposed to our divergent points,” he said.

“And speaking, we have realised that what brings us together is much more than what divides us and we have acknowledged one thing, that English adage ‘divided we fall, united we stand’ is real. And we in the opposition must begin talking to one another daily so that we don’t have surprises and difficulties when we go into the general elections in 2026.”

Kalaba said opposition parties would be stronger working together.

“We are not going to take any costly experiments. We are going to make sure that we hold hands. The truth is that we will be stronger if we can begin working together now and whatever comes in the future will be decided by you the people but Zambia Must Prosper, Citizens First and other progressive political parties must begin comparing notes before that time. I think on our own as Citizens First, we might have some percentage. We might have some numbers but are we sure we are going to defeat the UPND with its machinations, with its corrupt mentalities in 2026 if we don’t bridge the divide? We might end up regretting,” warned Kalaba.

“We are not going to take any costly experiments. We are going to make sure that we hold hands. We forge hands and as you have said you and I have a history. It’s just that this time, we need to stick together. I think Zambians out there are looking forward to seeing us together than being asunder. We are humbled that you are the one who has taken this step to follow us here. We will also revenge.”
And Bwalya said it is clear that the country is not headed for the right direction economically.

“This is just a courtesy call on my brother, the president of the Citizens First. As Zambia Must Prosper we are trying to see as to whether or not we can begin to coordinate for the benefit of this country. I think we all know where we are coming from. We all know where we are trying to go and as a political party, we have decided that we would like to see parties of like mind,” said Bwalya.

“We will be meeting again and hopefully we can plan how we can help this country. We all know for a fact that the country is not headed for the right direction, economically. And if we are not careful, that might transcend into the political spheres. So this is just a short, brief meeting.”


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