NATIONAL Democratic Congress deputy mobilisation chairman Fabian Mutale has warned Lusaka Province PF secretary Kennedy Kamba to desist throwing stones because he lives in a glass house.

And Copperbelt NDC secretary Samuel Nyirenda says Kamba is living in fool’s paradise to think Chishimba Kambwili would return to PF to technically help the party win the 2021 elections.

Mutale said Kamba’s ranting about Kambwili not being a factor in PF winning next year’s elections amounts to hogwash coming from a minion who thrives on party sympathy to earn contracts.

He said Kamba was justified to say the PF does not need Kambwili to win the 2021 elections because he is a beneficiary of partialities from President Edgar Lungu and the PF.

“Where was Kamba staying before President Edgar Lungu go into office and before he became very much involved with the PF? He was staying in some compound and was even failing to pay rent but today he now lives in State Lodge in an up stairway house. What does that tell you? Kamba if you live in a glass house do not throw stones,” Mutale said.

He recalled that Kamba didn’t even know how a plane looked inside but noted that today he goes to Dubai every two weeks.

“So he has every right to defend President Lungu. We have been told and others even boast that if Kambwili doesn’t come back to PF we will send him to prison before July and now look at the behaviour of magistrate Simusamba! What does that tell you? Look at the behaviour of [Chilufya] Tayali saying Kambwili is going in for a long time,” he said.

Mutale challenged Kamba to justify intimidations on Kambwili to return to PF using the courts if the ruling party did not need him.

“So Kamba thinks we are stupid and can’t read between the lines that all these cases are politically motivated, which Lungu wants to use to get at Kambwili. Let him shut up and continue looting and amassing wealth,” he said. “Let me tell you that when you are good, you are good. Progress cannot be curtailed, it can only be delayed, so whatever they are doing to Kambwili is just a delay but will not curtail his political ambitions.”

Mutale said Kamba’s riches would have to be explained once there is a change of government.

“Kamba must know that when PF loses power, we will start with him to tell us how he moved from that compound to State Lodge. How he switched from selling alcohol at COMESA, not his alcohol but selling on behalf of other people. He was an agent. It was even not his alcohol. From selling smuggled beer to live in an upstair house in State Lodge,” said Mutale. “His days are numbered and he will come and answer. The same way Kambwili is appearing in court, Kamba must know that he is one of the people that have been lined up to explain his wealth.”

And Nyirenda said PF should stop living in denial with false hopes that Kambwili would return to technically to help them with the 2021 elections.

“We have heard and seen them launder claims before from high ranking PF officials. The fool’s paradise that harbors Lusaka PF provincial secretary Kamba to insinuate that CK has plans to get back to the PF is a fallacy. It is a pipe dream, far-fetched,” Nyirenda said.

He said the propaganda was intended to create a psychological warfare within and among the opposition alliance partners.

Nyirenda said Kambwili’s presence in PF did not sit well with the leadership because he was perceived a competitor to President Lungu.

“CK has moved on in a space of two years. He has galvanized himself to trigger a versatile, neutral and all-embracing and dynamic young opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC). He left PF falsely tagged with corrupt practices with so much hate, disgust and disrepute that could be witnessed from the outbursts of the Head of State in public media,” said Nyirenda. “We all know that the hovering of CK from one court to the other is politically motivated. Who does not know that home affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo once ordered the arrest of CK. Kampyongo made a public statement that they were going to deal with CK following his siding with AVIC workers in Luanshya – for merely defending the workers’ rights who fell within his jurisdiction as the then Roan member of parliament. The planned arrests were instituted swiftly by the police in bizarre circumstances to an extent of unceremoniously bundling a former minister from Lusaka all the way to Luanshya on the Copperbelt.”


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