Police IG Kanganja


The Inspector General of Police, Mr Kakoma Kanganja has expressed displeasure over the continued violent conduct of political cadres which he said is a manifestation of total disregard for human dignity and has called on police officers to ensure that all culprits are brought to book.

One such occurrence is the unlawful wounding which is reported to have happened along ring road in Lusaka on 28th June, 2021 at about 16 00 hours in which Richard Sinkala aged 38 Years of unmarked house number in Chalala was unlawfuly wounded using a matchete by suspected political cadres for marely wearing a T- Shirt for an opposing political party and sustained a deep cut at the back of the head and two deep cuts on both legs.

Mr Kanganja has called on all Police Officers to follow up and conclude all matters of political violence without undue delay and has reminded them that they have a constitutional mandate to protect every person living within the boundaries of Zambia hence should use the provisions of the law in determining action to be taken against offenders and not looking at their faces or political affiliation.


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