‘Kasukuwere condemns Mnangagwa’s sons for looting gold in Zimbabwe’


Former cabinet Minister Saviour Kasukuwere has castigated President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s sons accusing them of using their father’s position to loot the country’s natural resources.

Kasukuwere who is seeking to dislodge Mnangagwa in the upcoming elections after successfully filing his nomination papers at the High Court on Wednesday through his lawyer and chief election adviser Jacqueline Sande, believes that the Zanu-PF leader has failed to unite the country amd resuscitate the economy.

Addressing a press conference in South Africa on Thursday afternoon, the former Zanu-PF political commissar accused Mnangagwa’s sons of looting the country’s natural resources.

“Yes Mnangagwa has failed. He has no knowledge of how to do it. And if you look at how processes are done where just a few are making it, taking over all resources. His children run around the country.

“Wherever there is a gold opportunity that has been discovered, they make sure they are there. We take a great exception to that behavior,” he said.

Asked if he was not afraid of being arrested if he lands in Harare, Kasukuwere said:

“What we have in Zimbabwe is a care-taker President. We’re all equal now. The only day that we will have a difference between myself, Mnangagwa and Chamisa, I don’t know others but these two are somewhere behind my numbers, is after the 23rd of August.

“After counting and somebody will emerge as a winner then you can start arresting others. But the game is not about arresting people, let’s go to the ground and campaign.”

Kasukuwere further assured his supporters that he will be coming to Zimbabwe to campaign physically all over the country.

“I can’t campaign in South Africa. South Africa is not in an election season. I’m on my way to Zimbabwe. I’m going to be in Harare to visit each and every district in my country. That is where my campaign is going to be. We will soon be launching our campaign in Zimbabwe,” he added.

Kasukuwere is among the exiled former top Zanu-PF officials who fled the country in November 2017 after Mnangagwa ousted the late former President Robert Mugabe through a military coup.


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