By NewsMakers

CRACKS in the UPND Alliance have now become visible and clear. Today, a horde of some members of the Alliance convened a press briefing to rebuke other Alliance partners for publicly stating that the political get-together has crumbled because the ruling UPND is not respecting its members.

The press briefing was attended by little known one man political parties as prominent Alliance partner Kelvin Fube Bwalya, NDC leadership as well as MDC all shunned it.

Insiders in the Alliance have disclosed that KBF, who recently registered his movement ‘Zambia Must Prosper (ZMP)’, has decided to vigorously mobilize to challenge UPND in the 2026 after President Hichilema snubbed him on appointments in his Cabinet.

The insiders say KBF wanted to be appointed Minister of Defense after his running mate bid failed but the UPND leader had other intentions.

It is said Hichilema is willing to send KBF in Foreign Service instead.

Meanwhile, the MDC Secretary General Lucky Mulusa recently said the UPND Alliance has become a dead project because the ruling party has no respect for its members. Mulusa was told to leave MDC if he is angered with what is happening.

However, before Mulusa too the issue to the public, another Alliance partner Nason Msoni castigated the ruling party and bemoaned that he had been used and dumped without being rewarded for helping to remove PF. Msoni promised that he would hold a press conference to denounce Hichilema and his government but he has suddenly gone mute.


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