Pastor Duncan Daniel Simuchimba of Kitwe was arrested on flimsy allegations that he was inciting the people, kikikikikikikiki, please stop this nonsense and release the Pastor unconditionally, case closed. We know what’s going on and it’s unfortunate that the arrest of the Pastor has been instigated by a politician using the Police, so sad.
Politicians in Kitwe should spare the Pastor from their unnecessary cheap politics of thinking that any citizen speaking for the people is against them. It’s also important to remind politicians in this Country that every citizen has a right to expression and association within the law.
We as Clerics support the Government of the day regardless of the party in office and our support does not extend to encouraging wrongs against the people both Politicians and us the Religious leaders are called to serve.
We shall continue to promote mercy and justice without fear of favour. No Politician in this Country can silence the apostolic/prophetic voice of the Church, it’s like kicking against the pricks.
Release Pastor Duncan now.
Rev Chilekwa M
Ndola, Zambia.