KK was baptised on May 11, 1924 – UCZ Reverend

UNITED Church of Zambia (UCZ) Lubwa mission in-charge Reverend Sydney Kabele says the Lubwa community is saddened with Dr Kenneth Kaunda’s death.

Dr Kaunda was born at Lubwa, Chinsali district of Muchinga Province (then Northern Province) on April 28, 1924.

Rev Kabele told a Zambia News and Information Service (ZANIS) team today that Dr Kaunda was baptised at Lubwa on May 11, 1924.

Dr Kaunda’s father and mother, David and Hellen, respectively, are buried at Lubwa on the Chinsali – Kasama road (about eight kilometres from Chinsali town).

Kalemba June 19, 2021


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